What is Ear Cropping?
Ear Cropping is a surgical procedure that reshapes the ear flap (pinna) to make it a certain shape.
This is an elective procedure that is done to achieve a look that is consistent with breed standards. This helps make the ears stand up. Breeds that commonly have the ears cropped are Boxers, Great Danes, Doberman Pinschers, Miniature Pinschers, Schnauzers, Bouviers des Flandres, American Pit Bull and Staffordshire Terriers.
Ear cropping is done on puppies between 8 to 12 weeks of age, and all vaccines must be current. We recommend pre-surgical blood work to evaluate the patient before surgery.
How Ear Cropping is Done:
- Pre-surgical pain medication is given
- The patient is placed under general anesthesia
- The hair on and around the ears is clipped and surgically prepared
- The ear is measured and carefully marked
- Using sterile procedure, the marked area is removed
- The surgical site is sutured in a manner that will create the most cosmetic closure
- If needed, the ears are bandaged (racked) in order to train the cartilage of the pinna to stand
- The patient is carefully monitored until he/ she is fully awake
Post Operative Care for Ear Crop:
- We will have you bring your pet back in 3 days after the surgery to remove the bandages and check the incision
- Suture removal should be done in 7 days
- Be sure to give the antibiotics and pain medication as directed
- Keep the bandage (rack) clean and dry
- Monitor for any odors coming from the bandage
- Make sure that your puppy does not scratch or rub at the bandages
- Ear bandages should be changed weekly until the ears stand. We may need to clean the ears after removing the bandages.
- Let us know if you have any questions or concerns!
Surgical Ear Crop Cost:
When you call or come in for an ear crop for your dog, we will discuss the cost of the basic ear crop. We will also discuss recommendations that will help support your pet through the procedure. The recommendations are:
Presurgical bloodwork: Many puppies can be anemic due to intestinal worms. The bloodwork checks to make sure your pet is not anemic, it checks blood glucose, kidney value and liver value.
Intravenous Fluids during surgery. IV fluids helps maintain blood pressure and helps keep the kidneys and other organs healthy.
Soft Elizabethan Cone. Our special collar is not a typical plastic cone you may think of. This collar stands straight from the neck so it does not push the ears forward.
Cold therapy laser. Therapy laser is used to help stimulate healing. It helps decrease swelling also
Sedatives. Sometimes it is difficult to keep a puppy quiet while they are healing. A mild sedative may be needed to help keep your puppy calm.