A common misconception we see in the veterinarian field is that pets don’t need flea, tick, or heartworm prevention during the colder winter months. This isn’t true!
Usually, it needs to be under freezing for thirty days to kill fleas and ticks. However, here in Oklahoma, we tend to have winters a little more on the mild side. This can leave pets vulnerable even during the winter months. Aside from being irritating to pets and their owners, fleas and ticks can transmit harmful diseases such as tapeworms and lyme disease.
Another concern is heartworms – a parasitic worm that is transmitted via mosquito bite. Warm days do happen out-of-season here, and mosquitoes can appear unexpectedly. In dogs, heartworms can be fatal and require a more extensive and serious treatment regimen that spans several months. No one wants to have to deal with treating heartworms! It is by far easier and more cost-effective to prevent them in the first place. In cats, not only are heartworms fatal but they are untreatable. Prevention, here, is absolutely necessary. A common question we get asked is if cats who live exclusively indoors still need heartworm prevention. The answer is yes! Everyone’s had the misfortune of being bitten by a rogue mosquito who got inside through an open door or cracked window. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the life of your cat!
We offer a few different options for prevention. We prefer Bravecto (a chew that lasts for up to three months) and Proheart (an injection that lasts for up to six months) as they offer a more convenient schedule. For cats, we like Revolution, which is an all-in-one medication that must be administered monthly.
By choosing to be proactive and go the route of preventative care, you can keep your pets healthy all year long!